According to the needs of our customers, with short lead time, we undertake professionally:


  • Flow meters
  • Pressure gauges, -Pt transmitters
  • Thermometers, temperature transmitters, temperature sensors
  • Humidity meters and warehouse monitoring humidity meters
  • Industrial Signal Converters, Isolators: Current / Current Voltage / Current
  • Computers, heat meters
  • Waste Water meters


accredited calibration in our Laboratory, which is accredited according to MSZ EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005.
Our laboratory is regularly visited in the fields of energy, food, pharmaceuticals, gas and many other sectors.




According to the needs of our customers, with short lead time, we undertake professionally:

  • flow meters
  • Pressure gauges, Pt transmitters
  • Thermometers, temperature transmitters, temperature sensors
  • Humidity meters and warehouse monitoring humidity meters
  • Industrial Signal Converters, Isolators: Current / Current Voltage / Current
  • Computers, heat meters
  • Waste Water meters

accredited calibration in our Laboratory, which is accredited according to MSZ EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005.

Our laboratory is regularly visited in the fields of energy, food, pharmaceuticals, gas and many other sectors.


Environment monitoring system (Sentinel)


In many places, due to the underdevelopment of the infrastructure, it is difficult to measure, control and collect environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, etc.). Gamma Digital Ltd. offers a solution for such difficult measurements and data collection. The Sentinel system developed by our company can be used to automatically measure environmental variables in offices, real estate, warehouses, cellars and even in extreme locations far from the infrastructure.

Our Sentinel Box product line with ZigBee technology provides a full range of services in the field of industrial quality and reliable measurement, data transfer, data storage, alarm, alarm management, documentation, statistics. Units for measuring temperature and humidity, hardware and software for the signal processing structure are already available, and measurement tools for air pressure, air composition, CO and CO2, and lighting are under development. Our extensive professional knowledge is confirmed by the fact that we have numerous references from leading representatives of the pharmaceutical, chemical, food, energy and automotive industries.

Környezetmonitorozó rendszerek

The Sentinel system is able to measure and record any environmental variables in a specific monitored area. If the parameters exceed the pre-set limits, the system will immediately alert you. The flexible and modular data acquisition server can meet any specific needs (eg statistics, charts, errors, error handling, calibration, and many more). Certified probes send data to coordinators in the form of standard radio signals (ZigBee protocol), which collect, store, and transmit data to the server. This communication is tailored to the customer’s needs – it can be done over several protocols (Ethernet, WiFi). The system’s permissions management can be fine-tuned and at the same time provides a guarantee against unauthorized intrusion and data manipulation.

The two most important units of the sensors are the sensor and the ZigBee module. The former carries out the required measurements to the customer’s requirements with predetermined accuracy, while the latter provides for the construction and maintenance of an ad-hoc wireless network to deliver the measured values. A microcontroller is connected between the two components, which also contains the parameters needed for calibration.

The purpose of data concentrators is to aggregate the data collected by the ZigBee network via the customer’s Ethernet network to the data acquisition server (s) where the data is stored, visualized and any error handling (SMS / Email alert) occurs.

Configuring the software is quick and easy. The system is easy to use and easy to use. Efficiency is provided by SQL-based database management. Redundant storage of data increases reliability, the system measures, records, and documents variables. Alerts you when limits are exceeded.


IP65 Talajszonda



Az IP65 talajszonda, az IP45-ös Sentinel Box továbbfejlesztett változata. Elődje a dobozon belüli hőmérsékletet méri, ez a saválló acélcsőből készült szondatestben 4 ponton méri a hőmérsékletet, valamint egy átlagos páratartalmat.

Az IP65 talajszonda a szenzorok kihelyezésén túl lényegi szoftver továbbfejlesztést is tartalmaz. A MESH technológiának köszönhetően a telepített antennával történő rádiókapcsolat nem csak közvetlenül valósulhat meg, hanem szomszédos hasonló szondákon keresztül is.

Ez nagy mértékben növeli az üzembiztonságot, és a telepített antenna által lefedett területet.



Műszaki adatok:

  • Fej szigetelése: IP65 szondatest anyaga: rozsdamentes acél
  • Méretek: A szonda 120cm hosszú, és 4 ponton (30 cm-enként) tartalmaz hőmérséklet szenzort.
  • Méréstartomány: -10 – 120 °C
  • Felbontás: 0,1°C
  • Pontosság: +/- 0,3°C
  • Mintavételi időköz: 5p -10h között állítható

Telepítési távolság:

Telepítési távolság a legközelebbi szondától, vagy fix antennától

  • rálátás esetén max. 100m
  • takarásban max. 50m


  • Redundáns kapcsolati útválasztás a MESH protokol szerint.
  • Sikertelen kommunikáció esetén az utolsó 50 mérési adatot tárolja, és az első sikeres kommunikáció alkalmával az eredeti időbélyeggel továbbítja.
  • Kialakítható a rendszer több pontján is egymástól független redundáns internet kapcsolat.